Five ways sustainability and green principles pay off

Green is to sustainable as Mr. Rogers is to his neighborhood.

Well, more or less: The idea is that the energy-efficient washer you buy is green, and if it was produced and shipped in ways that leave a minimal impact on the environment, it is also sustainable.

But we’re not here to split hairs over terminology. We just want to show you some great reasons to consider making greener, more sustainable choices for your business. And although it’s not on the list, “feeling good” is one that does come up a lot with the people whom we help with energy-efficiency projects. That’s not all bad, but our list is focused more on what your business gets from your efforts. We found this list on the Manufacturing Innovations Blog and wanted to spread the word.

Here you go—five ways green and sustainable practices will help your business:

  1. Lower energy-related costs.
    Have you upgraded all your lighting fixtures? Reduced them where you can? Do you have your HVAC and other equipment inspected regularly? Air compressor leaks can cost a fortune in energy, to name but one example. We’re always happy to do our part to help you increase your efficiency with an energy audit, and your Energy Advisor exists to answer your questions about using less energy.
  2. Bring in new customers.
    More and more, consumers are interested in finding green or sustainable options, so being able to market yourself as such can help draw attention your way. As Brian Lagas writes in the article, certain operations have a tangible stake in being green and sustainable: “This is important to manufacturers seeking government contracts where green manufacturing standards are often a factor.”
  3. Earn tax incentives.
    A little cold, hard cash is never a bad idea—especially when it’s cash that takes a bite out of your tax bill. Your efforts to conserve may end up earning you tax credits. Visit the gov site to find out which incentives are available in your state.
  4. Create a can-do culture.
    Any time you show initiative, there’s a trickle-down effect that reaches throughout your business—especially if teams work together to identify and implement the projects that will make your company more environmentally friendly. Talking to your team about why these changes matter and what you hope to accomplish may well spark further innovation.
  5. Impact your home planet.
    The changes you make in your company are changes that help the planet in measurable ways that include air and water quality, more renewable energy sources, and fewer landfills. That’s nothing to sneeze at.

Make sure you check out the original article to find a list of success stories about U.S. companies that made changes and saw positive effects from it. And, as always, consider talking to your Energy Advisor or looking through our rebate options to get a sixth benefit: cash back from your electric co-op.

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