Rebates for Homeowners
There are tons of ways to upgrade the energy efficiency of your home—and that means there are tons of ways to get rebates for doing it. Your local electric cooperative offers incentives for all kinds of projects that will also save you money in the long run. Not a bad deal, right? And it gets even better. That’s because our rebate programs target those things in your home that consume the most energy. That includes systems like heating, cooling, and hot water. And getting started is easy – just apply for rebates using our online application portal. You also can print and fill out the applications below, mail them to us, and kick back with your favorite beverage while you wait for your rebate.
Whether you want to complete your application through our online portal, or you prefer a more traditional approach, we can turn your energy efficiency upgrade into a rebate of cold hard cash! If you have any questions about the forms, or anything at all, we’re here to help. You can email us at, or give us a call at 800-833-2279 from Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern.
*Tipmont & Citizens Electric Corp. members must have all projects completed by May 31, 2025, in order to be eligible for rebates. Applications must be submitted by July 31, 2025. If you have any questions, contact us at
2024 & 2025 Rebates
Submit OnlineDual Fuel Heat Pump Rebates
Maximize comfort and efficiency by pairing an electric heat pump with your gas furnace—and save from the get-go with a great rebate.

Air Source Heat Pump Rebates
Why is an air source heat pump so efficient? It doesn’t actually create heat; it moves heat into your house in the winter and out in the summer. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT AIR SOURCE HEAT PUMPS— and the new Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pump and apply for big rebates below.

Heat Pump Water Heater Rebates
You can save up to 50% on water heating energy costs — up to $3,500 over the lifetime of your equipment — by upgrading to an ENERGY STAR® certified heat pump water heater. LEARN MORE ABOUT HEAT PUMP WATER HEATERS and check out the application below for additional savings.

Geothermal Heat Pump Rebates
Looking for the ultimate in cost and energy savings? With a geothermal heat pump, you’ve found it! And a great rebate from Power Moves and your local electric co-op can help you save from the ground up.

Wi-Fi Thermostat Rebates
Invested in a Wi-Fi thermostat to help moderate your home’s temperatures? Why not get rewarded for it? LEARN MORE ABOUT WI-FI THERMOSTATS and check out our rebate application below.