Power Moves Testimonial: Heat Pump Water Heater Rebate

When Hendricks Power member Lenn Detwiler’s water heater unexpectedly went out, he knew he needed a replacement that could meet the demands of his large family. Fortunately, as he learned about how newer technology made some larger tanks more energy efficient, he heard that his local electric cooperative offered a $400 Power Moves® rebate to upgrade to a more energy efficient model.

Learn more about Lenn’s experience working with Hendricks Power on his Power Moves rebate. His responses have been edited for clarity. Learn more about how we can help with your heat pump water heater upgrade by visiting www.PowerMoves.com/water-heater.

What made you choose upgrading to a heat pump water heater?

Our old water heater suddenly failed. When we were working with our contractor on a replacement that would satisfy the hot water demands of our large family (we have five kids!), we learned that all the larger capacity units now use more energy efficient technology than previous models. 

Did you know what a heat pump water heater was before learning about the Power Moves rebate?
I believe our contractor made us aware of the fact that our power company (Hendricks Power, an electric co-op) may offer rebates on the higher efficiency units. That certainly helped us make the right decision.

What was it like to work with Hendricks Power on your rebate? 
The process was very easy!

How has the heat pump water heater benefited you? It feels good to know that by installing the efficient heat pump water heater we’re saving energy and money every day. There’s also a security in having chosen a reliable unit and knowing that we won’t have to replace it for many years.

Would you buy one again or recommend one to a friend?
Yes, both.

What are your thoughts on the Power Moves program? 
It’s a great win-win-win for the homeowner, the electric cooperative, and environment!

Is there anything else you would like to add, or anything that we should be sure to include?
I appreciate the “vacation” mode on the new water heater. When you’ll be away from your house for a few days, it allows you to program the number of days you’ll be gone so the unit doesn’t have to have hot water ready again until you return. It’s an easy way to save even more money and energy!

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