Toward a more energy-efficient 2014

Here we all are, solidly in 2014, just past the point where “happy new year” still makes sense as a greeting and maybe even far enough in to have broken the habit of writing “13” at the end of every date.

Time, we’d like to think, to get cracking on some rebate opportunities. You can find the details of everything we’re offering by reading our applications. But don’t go running off just yet–here’s a look at what we’ve introduced for 2014.

  • Residential HVAC: A geothermal heating and cooling system nets you a $1,500 rebate and a 30% tax credit from the federal government. That rebate applies whether you install a system in a new home or retrofit your existing home from an electric resistance system or a fossil fuel like natural gas, oil, or propane.
  • Residential lighting: Starting in February, we’re offering a CFL rebate.
  • Business lighting: If you’re removing or disabling lights, we’re paying. Check out our new delamping measures, which pay $0.10 for each watt removed.

We’re still offering home energy audits to help members find opportunities to save, and we’re glad to now offer them to our agribusiness members.

We’ve partnered with Purdue University to bring you the much more specialized agribusiness audit, which for qualifying members can be underwritten in part by the USDA and can support your application for a REAP grant. Just contact your local co-op to schedule your audit. (But please note that additional charges may apply for members who are located outside Indiana.)

Finally, consider making 2014 your Touchstone Energy Home year. You don’t have to be building a home to utilize the concepts that make your home startlingly, off-the-charts, bragging-rights efficient. For instance: The average heating cost for a 3,000-square-foot Touchstone Energy Home is about $455 per year. No kidding. Jump on over to our Touchstone Energy Home page to get the details.

We’d love to support your effort toward greater energy efficiency in every way we can—this year, and the next, and the one after that . . . .


Be bugged this spring! Prep your garden to attract pollinators

Be bugged this spring! Prep your garden to attract pollinators

You can plan your backyard to be a stop along pollinators' busy schedule this spring and summer by planting insect-friendly plants and flowers in your garden.
Budding Buzz

Budding Buzz

As a beekeeper for almost 40 years, Dale McMahan has seen a lot. Next spring, a new planting near McMahan, now the president of the Beekeepers of Indiana, will provide a new food source to help bolster insect populations in an example of larger efforts to halt the decimation of pollinator populations nationwide.