Meet a real-life Energy Advisor: Jeremy Montgomery keeps an eye on the little things

Jeremy Montgomery has been the energy services specialist with Parke County REMC for four years. For a man who works with electricity, he spends a heckuva lot of time underwater.

What’s the first thing you thought of this morning?

I don’t think I’ve thought of anything yet.

How’d you become an Energy Advisor?

I worked in residential and commercial construction, and I’m a state licensed home inspector. I have an associate’s degree in industrial technology HVAC.

What’d you do before?

Journeymen carpenter.

What’s the last hobby you picked up?

SCUBA diving, about two years ago. I’ve been in shipwrecks on the Gulf of Mexico, and I saw a very large sea turtle. On one particular dive, I saw several hundred thousand fish. It’s an unusual experience, being underwater like that.

What are three words to describe living in Parke County?

Family. Quiet. Private.

What’s the best vacation you ever had?

A cruise to the Bahamas in 2004. That was one of the last trips I got to take with my entire family.

In a world without electricity, what would you miss most?

Easy: the dishwasher.

What’s the last book you read?

A Painted House, John Grisham

What’s the best thing that happened to you yesterday?

I met a new face: One of our members had an issue at home, and I went out and fixed it.

How’d you change your energy habits at home after you took this job?

After looking at many different things around many different houses, you realize that you have to focus on particular things periodically and understand how much one piece of equipment would use to get a clearer picture of what to use and not use. That’s the best way to save energy. For example, you might not realize how much energy a space heater consumes. It’s so small, but it makes a big difference in your bill.

What’s the number one thing members want to know?

How much they get on a rebate. Geothermal is the big one right now. We’re giving out a lot of geothermal rebates.

What’s the number one thing you wish they knew?

How their habits affect their bill. Some people feel like they have to sleep with the TV on or with a window open in the bedroom to keep the temperature lower. That stuff makes a big difference.

Who lives in your house with you?

My wife and three kids—8, 4, and 3 years old. I’d say it’s organized chaos, but I don’t think “organized” applies anymore.

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